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Itinerary No. 4 - One day excursions programme

Before the arrival of Francesco Laurana and Domenico Gagini from northern Italy, there is little records of figures sculptured in Sicily. Domenico's son, Antonello, founded the Sicilian school of Renaissance sculture; their works and that of their followers may be seen in Churches throughout towns in the Nebrodi area and in particular in the Diocese of Patti.


We leave Patti towards the north eastern zone of the Nebrodi: here where the mountain crest stretches towards the Aeolian Islands, the artistic history of the places is strongly market, especially starting from the second half of the fifteen century, by the Rennaissance experience, thanks to the presence in this area of these great artists.
First stop is made at San Piero Patti, a town from antique origins, it developed during the Arabs age and the Norman dominations. We will find works by Gagini and his school in the Chiesa Madre, in the Church of Santa Maria (1581) and in the Church del Carmine (1566).
We then proceed to Raccuja, a town from Norman origins, to visit the baroque Chiesa Madre to see the beatifull statues of the "Gruppo dell'Annunziata" and "Santa Maria di Gesł".
Then visit to Ucria, a town of medieval origins whose Chiesa Madre houses the unique "Madonna della Scala" work by the Gagini's school and the "Gruppo dell'Annunziata", probably a work by Antonio Gagini.
Lunch at Sinagra not before having seen the "Madonna della Catena" (1542) work by Giacomo Gagini.

After lunch visit to the Chiesa Madre of the town of Ficarra to see several works by  the Gagini's school.
The tour ends at Gioiosa Marea, a splendid summer holiday resort on the Tyrrhenian coast.
Four beautiful statues from the Gagini's school can be admired in the Churchs of this town: three in the Chiesa Madre and the "Madonna della Catena" in the Church della Catena.
Time left for shopping before returning to Patti.


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Sicily Tindari Santuario Patti Itinerary Italian version

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