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Itinerary No. 3 - One day excursions programme

141.500 hectars of land, 38 towns,
most od them perched precariously on rocky mountains,
various slopes and mountains,
the reachness of the vegetations and the lakes,
several places of particular historical and religious interest,
it makes the Nebrodi Park the largest protected area of the whole Sicily.

Parco dei Nebrodi
Volto di Cristo

We leave Patti towards the Nebrodi Ovest route making our first stop at Capizzi, one of the highest town of Sicily (1139 mt above see level), founded by a Sicula popolation in the VII century B. C. - After visiting the Chiesa Madre with its gothic portal of 1234 and the baroque Church of St. Giacomo, the patron saint of the town, we proceed to Mistretta, the ancient Amistratus, where we will visit the Chiesa Madre of medieval origins with its beautiful sixteen century facade and its numerous works of art preserved inside, the Church of San Giuseppe, the Church of Santa Caterina and the seventeenth century Scaduto Palace. Lunch en route.

After lunch we will go to Santo Stefano di Camastra, best known for the production of ceramics, an art inherited from the arabs. We will visit the 18th century Church of the Calvario, the Chiesa Madre, the Ceramic Museum and the Sanctuary of the Letto Santo at the summit of the mountain and which is believed to be the original site of an arab fortress.
We then proceed to the town of San Fratello a lovely hilltop town founded in medieval time, where the original Lombard language is still spoken, famous for its magnificent wild horses. 

Ceramiche di Santo Stefano
Santuario di San Fratello

We will visit the Norman Church of St. Alfio, built on the site of the sicilian city of Apollonia with its fascinating cupola right on the top of Monte San Fratello, the former Chiostro di San Francesco with its XII century frescoes.
Back to Patti trough the Motorway.

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Sicily Tindari Santuario Patti Itinerary Italian version
Further info on its and along with church
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